Monday, March 8, 2010

The Peeve List Vol.1

Today at school i noticed something. Everything bugs me. In honor of this, i have decided to start a Pet Peeve Dealio to share my hatred of everyday things with the world.

1. Writing with only capitals- This just absolutely drives me crazy. Yes, it may just be a habit for some people but for crap's sake, you're not constantly yelling! It's as if some teachers are in such a hurry to teach that they think its faster or clearer to write in a strictly capital font. Well it's not. In fact many letters are faster to write in lower case. Did i say many? I meant ALL!

2. Sticky Foosball Rods- I was playing my dad in Foosball today and realized why i always seem to have the slight disadvantage. My side of the table was much more sticky. I hate when people are playing and they decide to grab anything but the perfectly usable and comfortable handles placed on the best part of the rod for your comfort. I mean really now. You know what people who grab the other player's handles are? CHEATERS!

3. Puzzles That Are More Then 20% Sky Pieces- First off i would like to say, puzzles really are not as boring as they seem, but only if you are doing them with someone else. Second off i would like to say scold any company who has created a puzzle that has more then 20% sky. Really? Why on earth would anybody buy that puzzle. It's almost a chore to do that much sky.

4. Buying Pre-Ripped Jeans- Ripped Jeans are the worst invention/clothes style of the century. Why would you buy jeans that are already partially ruined AND for more money then pants that are not ripped?!?! Slap my thigh and call me Sally the day that i buy ripped jeans, i hope someone will just come up and punch me in my mouth to get the point across of what a bad purchase that is.

5. People Who Sing in class- To all the choir kids out there, for the sake of everyone you are in classes with. Stop singing outside of choir! The last thing anybody wants to hear is a bunch of kids singing some crappy choir music that isn't even in English, or has words for that matter and especially when you guys think you better then you really are. PLEASE stop singing in class.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Academy Awards

In honor of the great academy awards currently going on, i thought i would give a shot at naming my top 5 favorite movies of all time.

1. The Dark Knight- This movie was pretty much the epitome of epicness. Every detail was planned down to the t and all of the actors were spectacular.

2. Avatar- Although I have only seen this movie once, I got connected to the plot within the first couple minutes and because of that, i became attached to the characters. Along with that, the soundtrack is one of my top favorite soundtracks of all time

3. The Shining- Oh Jack Nicholson and your subtle but terrifying face. This movie kept me on edge the entire time and because of its simplicity, a viewer is able to analyze every moment with the proper amount of thought.

4. I Love You, Man- The reason for this movie being so high in the rankings was for every hilarious moment throughout the entire movie. Every time i think about quoting a movie, the majority of the time my mind drifts back to this movie. And Lou Ferigno is a beast.

5. Catch Me If You Can- Leo and Hanks' best roles if you ask me. The mere plot and sneakiness displayed makes this a contagious movie to watch, along with its laughs here and there.

First Blog

I am glad to enter the wonderful world of blog after i have heard so much about it, although i do feel as if i am just jumping on to the same bandwagon as the rest of the modern world. I do dislike people who complain about how people become addicted to 20/21st century technology when really it is just an easy way to relax, communicate with others, have some fun, and if need be, waste some time! There are so many modern advancements that it just blows my mind. Today i read about the bidet. I am seriously considering getting one for my own bathroom. Who thinks up these weird inventions. We've got doctors working on curing cancer, scientists blowing up chunks of the moon looking for water and then we've got the lonely man who says "hey, i'm going invent a toilet that cleans your butt for you!" What an odd fellow.