Sunday, March 7, 2010

First Blog

I am glad to enter the wonderful world of blog after i have heard so much about it, although i do feel as if i am just jumping on to the same bandwagon as the rest of the modern world. I do dislike people who complain about how people become addicted to 20/21st century technology when really it is just an easy way to relax, communicate with others, have some fun, and if need be, waste some time! There are so many modern advancements that it just blows my mind. Today i read about the bidet. I am seriously considering getting one for my own bathroom. Who thinks up these weird inventions. We've got doctors working on curing cancer, scientists blowing up chunks of the moon looking for water and then we've got the lonely man who says "hey, i'm going invent a toilet that cleans your butt for you!" What an odd fellow.

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